Hello and welcome! I am happy to see you on my personal website.

My name is Bojan, I am currently studying business informatics and I am fascinated by science, technology, and everything computer-related. I have always been interested in technology and obsessed with computers. In my younger days I spent a lot of time with messengers and computer games. As the years passed my interests shifted and I started experimenting with scripts for different operating systems before I started developing my own website. As a stepping stone into the world of computer science, I turned to HTML and CSS scripting when I purchased this domain during my Bachelor study. The website became a side project that I am working on since 2017. Since then I have increased my experience in computer science by learning new programming languages and working on projects in different domains. The main purpose of this website is to introduce myself with my vita, experiences, and current projects I am working on. Also, in the section Discussion you can find some topics and papers regarding economics, business, and technology that I like discussing.

Have fun browsing and please feel free to leave a comment below. Also, check out my GitHub and ResearchGate accounts, which I have linked at the bottom of the page.


If you wish to leave a comment or start a discussion please feel free to enter your message below via your GitHub account.

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